They say ‘West is best’ but…
The West of Scotland is famous for it’s fun-loving, straight-talking and banter-full people… but it’s also notorious for it’s history of gang violence, knife crime and drug addiction.
In the schemes of the West (of which there are 97 in Glasgow city alone) the spiritual picture is bleak, with very few healthy churches thriving and reaching out their communities with the gospel.
That’s why, for the next ten years, we are focusing our church-planting and revitalising efforts (not exclusively but especially) in the West of Scotland.
There is an old ‘adage’ said among people from this area that ‘the West of Scotland is the best of Scotland’, but we know that for that to be the case, the schemes of the West need to once again hear and respond to the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Next steps
We have already planted Hope Community Church Barlanark in the east end of Glasgow and are using it as the focal point of our new West of Scotland ‘Hub’.
This Hub which will help focus and catalyse our work in this part of Scotland and our vision is to:
Find Places
There are hundreds of schemes across the West of Scotland and very few have a strong gospel presence. We’re praying for the Lord to show us where he would have us work next, that these communities might once again flourish by the preaching of His Word!
Train People
The people we have is always less than the places we could go… But we are working to train the people the Lord has sent so far and we are praying he will send many more! Interested in joining us? Find out more below.

Explore the schemes of the West
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We need you!
For this gospel work to flourish, we need your prayers, your financial support and perhaps most urgently, we need people!
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” – Matthew 9:37
Could you come and serve God in the schemes of the West, or could your church partner with a new plant in an area of gospel need?
Email our West Director Pete Stewart at the link below:
Sign up to receive monthly updates by email. We will share updates and requests for prayer from the West and other areas of 20schemes ministry.
Could you give to our work in the West of Scotland?
Please choose the country you are giving from:
The West desperately needs mature Christians to come and make Jesus known. Whether short or long-term, is God calling you to serve Him in the schemes of Scotland?