20schemes has 2 logos – the Flagship Logo and the Horizontal Logo – which can be used interchangeably depending on the circumstances. Please adhere to the following when representing 20schemes.
Written representation of 20schemes:
- The organisation should be represented as 20schemes – not 20Schemes or 20 schemes or 20 Schemes.
Graphical representation of 20schemes:

- Please don’t use the 20schemes logo in a way that suggests sponsorship or endorsement by 20schemes.
- When you’re using the logo with other graphic elements, make sure you give the logo some room.
- If using either logo, attention should be paid to the size and readability of the strap-line “Gospel Churches for Scotland’s Poorest”. If it can’t be read, it’s too small and you should consider enlarging it or using the horizontal logo instead.
- Under certain circumstances, if it’s stylistically essential, the 20 of the logo can be used by itself. However, permission for this must be sought from the Communication Manager. Requests should be emailed to media@20schemes.com
- The logo must NOT be stretched or distorted; proportions of the logo should be constrained.
- The colours must NOT be altered.
- Elements of the logo should not be altered (i.e. enlarged or reduced).
- Effects such as drop shadows, stroke, glows should not be used.