Located in the north part of Glasgow, Lambhill is an area with high rates of deprivation, addiction and crime, in particular gang culture.
The people of this area are proud of where they live and there is a good community spirit, as well as a high percentage of minority communities moving in.
The greatest need in this area however is a healthy, gospel-preaching church to reach the many lost souls, and there are eight schemes and close to 50,000 people in this part of Glasgow.
Since October 2022 we have been able to use an old Gospel Mission Hall in Lambhill. This church had been witnessing in the area for over a hundred years and closed in the summer of 2022 with a handful of faithful members praying for the Lord to continue the work. While a shame that the ministry of this church had dwindled, we believe the Lord has answered all of our prayers by bringing us together to prayerfully rekindle the gospel work in this needy part of Glasgow.
We are currently re-building the foundations of the gospel witness and hope to re-establish a healthy gospel-centred church in Lambhill, while at the same time continuing to reach out to the wider area in the hope that we can plant new churches in the future.
The work is being led by Tommy & Lorne Millar, who live in neighbouring Maryhill and have a heart to see both communities transformed through the faithful gospel witness of a local church.
The real need right now is for mature Christians to come and serve in these areas, as our team are stretched across both projects.
If you’re interested in finding out more about serving in Lambhill or Maryhill, email our West Director Pete Stewart.
Current needs for prayer:
- We are surrounded by about eight other schemes and estimate there are 50,000 people living in this part of Glasgow. Please pray for the lost souls, that the Lord would prepare them for receiving the gospel of Jesus.
- Pray for mature believers. That the Lord would send them to live and serve here for the sake of the gospel.
- Pray that the Lord will continue to equip and strengthen us for the task ahead.
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Lambhill desperately needs mature Christians to come and make Jesus known. Whether short or long-term, is God calling you to serve Him in the schemes of Scotland?