About Gorgie
Gorgie is a residential estate on the west side of Edinburgh. It covers a large area and has a variety of different styles of housing.
The main area surrounding Gorgie Mission Church, which has been in the current location for 113 years, is made up of mainly tenement flats.
Our near neighbours are the Heart of Midlothian Football Club and it can be quite a challenge trying to park when there is a match on. Fortunately, this doesn’t happen too often.
It is a very multicultural area with a wide variety of people. The situation offers great evangelistic opportunities and is crying out for a renewed vision of what God can do.

Hope for Gorgie
Our Lord has wonderfully provided for the sustaining of this work over many years so we pray that he may continue to do so, so that Gorgie Mission Church can again be a powerful force for the gospel in this very needy area of Edinburgh.
Current Prayer Needs:
- Pray for evangelistic opportunities in this multicultural community.
- Pray that young Christians who are mature in their faith will feel called to serve God in Gorgie.
- Pray for these new outreaches into the community, that they would create opportunities to make Jesus known.

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Gorgie desperately needs mature Christians to come and make Jesus known. Whether short or long-term, is God calling you to serve Him in the schemes of Scotland?