10 Years

On 5th November 2012, we launched as a ministry of Niddrie Community Church with the mission of planting and revitalising healthy gospel churches in the 20 poorest areas of Scotland – 20schemes was born!

In 10 years we have seen much growth – 9 new churches, discipleship and training ministries and, most importantly, countless lives being transformed by Jesus in the local churches that are working tirelessly to make Christ known.

We have a lot to thank God for in the past decade of 20schemes, but we also thank you, our supporters, for your prayerful, financial & physical help to bring gospel light to the schemes of Scotland – we truly are partners in this ministry!


All of the attendees of our 10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service held on Sunday 6th November received a booklet with the story of the last decade of 20schemes inside. They also watched a special 10th Anniversary video during the service.

The download link of the booklet and the video to watch and share with your church and on your own social media platforms is below:

For any questions regarding the Booklet and/or Video, please email media@20schemes.com and we’d be happy to help.